Mar 22

New show coming to Netflix: Black Summer

Well. Have you seen the trailer for the new Netflix show, Black Summer yet? I have and then I had to put on a pair of clean pants because that looks INTENSE. If you haven’t seen it yet, Black Summer takes place prior to the cult hit show Z Nation. Don’t be fooled! This is …

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Nov 11

How to stay warm in the cold zombie apocalypse

If you are surviving in a tropical or very warm climate, things like the cold may never even cross your mind. But anyone north of a certain latitude will need to think about winter and how to stay warm in the cold zombie apocalypse. It’s not all bad, of course. The zombies may not feel temperatures …

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Oct 14

Escaping zombies on public transit buses

Escape zombies on public transit

The zombie apocalypse is rough enough on its own. But when shit hits the fan while you’re stuck on a bus or a subway, that introduces a whole other level of hell. What do you do when you find yourself in a situation where you need to escape zombies on public transit like a bus? …

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Sep 07

Things I will never do during the zombie apocalypse

Things I will never do during the zombie apocalypse

I’ve spent a lot of time (perhaps too much time) thinking about what I would do if the dead start walking around and eating people. But thanks to a fun post on a Facebook group I got to thinking about something new – what are the things I will never do during the zombie apocalypse? …

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Jul 05

How to physically prepare for the zombie apocalypse

Physically preparing for the zombie apocalypse

Many of us spend a lot of time sitting around discussing how we will survive the undead uprising. We’re really, really good at debating what weapons we’d choose, who we’d want to team up with, and even how we’d probably wind up dead anyway. But all of this is moot if we don’t stop to …

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Apr 15

The most likely reasons I will die in the zombie apocalypse

how i will die in the zombie apocalypse

I talk a big game. I watch zombie shows and movies, read books, and tell myself I will totally be a badass survivor during the undead uprising. The truth is, however, I will probably die in the zombie apocalypse – pretty quickly too. In Walking Dead terms, I’m less Maggie and more dead bicycle girl. I’m …

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Apr 08

Who will survive the zombie apocalypse (besides the redneck)

Who will survive the zombie apocalypse

If you watch The Walking Dead – and if you’re into zombies you probably have at some point at least – then you’ve more than likely had the conversation that revolves around this question. Who will survive the zombie apocalypse? Now speaking of the show, the character Daryl Dixon has led many people to agree …

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Apr 04

Why a zombie blog?

Ever since I started thinking about starting this project I heard the same question more than once – why a zombie blog? I mean, it’s a valid question really. There are – literally – millions of blogs out there. You can find blogs that teach you how to cook, how to DIY your living room decor, …

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Apr 02

Get ready

the zombie lifestyle